Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Info for women suffering from Cervical Cancer

These links provide important information for the women dealing with Cervical Cancer. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov I hope these links help and answer any question you have or may have had. I can remember when I was diagnosed and how afraid I was but, with treatment and the removal of my cervix I had been cancer cell free for a little over 9 years. So, I want you know that there hope for recovery and a cure. Don't give up the fight!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Finding the RIGHT Endo. Dr.

This link provides all the steps you should take before choosing a Dr. who says their specialty is Endometriosis.

Kindle and Nook versions available

Go to and search "When a Woman Had to" and "Examples of Essay's, Interviews and Reports for the Growing Student." Also, go to amazon and go to my author page at: to purchase my kindle versions. Happy Reading! Oh, and please post comments in the customer review and rating section.

Links For Understanding Your Condition

I have found some great resources for women who have been dealing with Endo. for many of years and for those who have just started this path. I hope these links help as they provide information on symptoms, pain relief, exercise, diet, etc. It is important that we stay in-tuned with the research that is constantly going to find out what causes this and the treatments to ease our discomfort.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

When Choosing Surgery

I have found that the traditional Laparoscopy is less invasive than the Robotic procedure. Firstly, with the traditional Laparoscopy you only have one insertion point which is the navel, where maybe two to three cuts will be made; where with the Robotic procedure there may be three to four entry points(ie. navel, lower right side, lower left side and upper right/left side, this procedure is suppose to be less invasive and less healing time. I found this to be untrue due to it took me two weeks longer to heal verses the traditional Laparoscopy which only took a two week recovery time. It is very important to research all surgical options due to the fact that more than one procedure may have to be conducted. You want to choose the one that will have less scar tissue, less recovery time, less pain and minimal scars. I often say I would rather have a surgeon control the instruments rather than a Robot.

More Info. on Endometriosis

I found this link very interesting because it provided a little more information than any other sites I have researched in the past. I hope you ladies find this helpful. Also, stop in and comment for I would enjoy speaking with you and hear your views and experiences. Remember we can help and support one another.