Thursday, November 29, 2012

Does the pain really go away

So, just when you think you've gotten through the pain which makes you bend over in agony and praying that it ends. Yet years for me have passed with mostly good days after my surgery however, the pain has found its way back into my life this is why I believe that Endometriosis never goes away.
I say to all my fellow women stay strong and try if you will to embrace this affliction because it is apart of us and we must love it as we love ourselves.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Promotion from SF weekly

This Promotional feature is for my non-fiction short story regarding the battle of endometriosis and cervical cancer.

Here's a peek:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The cervix

Have you or are you getting ready to have a bi-lateral hysterectomy(removal of tubes,ovaries,uterus and maybe cervix) I want you to be aware that if you leave the cervix you're at a higher risk for cervical cancer. It's best to have it removed since it really no longer serves a purpose(meaning supporting the uterus.) Please understand that this is the only real function of the cervix so, no uterus,tubes and ovaries no real need to keep the cervix.