Friday, July 20, 2018

Poetry Book and Contest Update

Hello Beauties,

The 3rd Vol. of Love Passion Poetry Proof has been edited now, the corrections will be printed and in a few days it should be available for purchase.

I look forward to you all reading it as well as your thoughts on the poems.

Remember to subscribe, follow me on Instagram @apauthor1, and participate in my Poetry contest that ends at the end of August; for a chance to win a gift bag & a copy each of my Print books.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Hello Beauties,

July 23rd you can Pre-order your poetry book by clicking the email or contact which you'll receive an invoice.

The Cost: $10
Shipping: Depends on Country and or State

My first 20 Pre-orders will receive 20% discount!

Update on Poetry Book

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Poetry Book Update

Hello Beauties,

The proof has arrived and it'll be available soon once I have not edited or edited. Please stay connected for updates.

Peace & Blessings Always.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Contest & Giveaway

Hello Beauties,

I'm conducting a poetry contest from my #chronicallyillbeauties and the winner receives 2 of books and a nice goody bag.

Poem must be 20 sentences long

Submit them to

Winner will be announced here and on Instagram @apauthor1 So, please follow and subscribe. 😉

Peace & Blessings Always

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Just an FYI

Hello beauties,

If you like poetry my third volume will be available soon.